Company name: OREY SHIPPING SL
NIF: B11801234
Address: Plaza Circular, 4 – 3 Floor – Apartment 3
Locality: 48001 Bilbao
Province: VIZCAYA
Phone: 944 354 648



In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and LOPDGDD 3/2018, we inform you that your email and personal data have been obtained through personal contact or public source, the personal data and email address of the interested party will be processed under the responsibility of OREY SHIPPING SL for a legitimate interest. The purpose of the treatment is to maintain future communications due to the relationship initiated. Likewise, we inform you that this message and its attached files are addressed exclusively to its recipient, receipt of the message does not authorize access to its content if you are not the recipient, it may contain confidential information subject to professional secrecy, your data will not They will be transferred to third parties except in the event that there is a legal obligation and they will be kept in accordance with the provisions of current legislation regarding the prescription of responsibilities or until you ask us that you wish to stop receiving information, reply to us by this means indicating “LOW OF DATA”, and we will automatically unsubscribe you, if you do not respond to this email we will understand that you wish to continue receiving information. We inform you that you may also exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation and portability by means of written communication addressed to the data controller. You may exercise your right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that the processing of data is not in accordance with legal regulations.


Next, we inform you about the Privacy Policy on protection of personal data of OREY SHIPPING SL, by browsing or contacting through this website.</span

The use of this website implies acceptance of this Privacy Policy, as well as the Legal Notice.


OREY SHIPPING SL, guarantees compliance with current legal regulations on data protection, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) RGPD 2016/679 of 27 of April and Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights LOPDGDD 3/2018 of December 5.



OREY SHIPPING SL will request only the data strictly necessary for the purpose or purposes for which it is requested and will always require your consent for the processing of personal data.</ p>

When you connect to this website to send an email to OREY SHIPPING SL, you are providing personal information for which OREY SHIPPING SL is responsible for processing, said information may include personal data such as your address, IP, first and last name, physical address, email address and telephone number.

Personal data and the purpose of processing by OREY SHIPPING SL is different depending on the information capture system:

Contact forms: OREY SHIPPING SL requests personal data such as: name, surname, telephone number, email account.

OREY SHIPPING SL uses this data to respond to your messages, questions, complaints, comments or concerns, the services provided through the website, the treatment of your personal data, questions regarding the legal texts included on the website, as well as any other query you may have that is not subject to the conditions of the website or the contract.

Other purposes: guarantee compliance with the conditions included in the Legal Notice and in current legal regulations, may include the development of tools and algorithms that help this website to guarantee the confidentiality of the personal data it collects, support and improve the services it provides. offers this website, analyze navigation. OREY SHIPPING SL collects other non-identifying data that is obtained through the use of cookies that areondiciones sobre protección de datos de carácter personal contendida en esta Política de Whatsapp, así como que acepte el tratamiento de sus datos personales para que el responsable del tratamiento pueda proceder al mismo en la forma, durante los plazos y para finalidades indicadas la aceptación por parte de la persona de la Política de Whatsapp implicará la aceptación de la Política de Privacidad de esta página web.

OREY SHIPPING SL se reserva derecho a modificar su Política de Whatsapp, de acuerdo con su propio criterio o motivado por un cambio legislativo, jurisprudencial o doctrinal de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, los cambios o actualizaciones de esta Política de Whatsapp, serán notificados de forma explícita a la persona.

OREY SHIPPING SL se reserva la facultad de presentar las acciones civiles y penales que considere necesarias por la utilización indebida del sitio web y contenido, o por el incumplimiento de la presente Política de Whatsapp.

La relación entre persona y OREY SHIPPING SL se regirá por la normativa legal vigente y de aplicación en el territorio español.

De surgir cualquier controversia en relación a la interpretación y/o aplicación de esta Política de Whatsapp, las partes someterán sus conflictos a la jurisdicción ordinaria sometiéndose a los jueces y tribunales que corresponda conforme a derecho. Última modificación en este sitio web 30 de octubre de 2022.

downloaded to your computer when you browse the website whose characteristics and purpose are detailed in the Cookie Policy , manage social networks, where OREY SHIPPING SL has a presence, if you become a follower on our social networks, the processing of personal data will be governed by the conditions of use, privacy policy and access regulations that belong to the social network that applies in each case and that you have previously accepted, OREY SHIPPING SL will process your personal data in order to correctly manage your presence on the social network, inform you of its activities, products or services, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow, in no case will OREY SHIPPING SL use the profiles of followers on social networks to send advertising individually.



The processing of your data carried out by OREY SHIPPING SL will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of RGPD and LOPDGDD:

Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: The consent of the person provided completely transparent information about the purposes for which personal data is collected.
Principle of purpose limitation< /span>: Personal data will be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.
Principle of Data minimization: The personal data collected will only be strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
Principle of accuracy: Personal data must be accurate and always up to date.
Principle of limitation of the conservation period: Personal data will only be kept in a way that allows the identification of the person for the time necessary for the purposes of their treatment.
Principle of integrity and confidentiality : Personal data will be treated in a way that guarantees its security and confidentiality.
Principle of proactive responsibility: The data controller will be responsible for ensuring that the above principles are met.



The legal basis for the processing of personal data is consent, OREY SHIPPING SL undertakes to obtain the express and verifiable consent of the person for the processing of their personal data to one or more specific purposes.

The person will have the right to withdraw their consent at any time, as a general rule, the withdrawal of consent will not condition the use of the website </ span> </ p>

On occasions in which the person must or can provide their data through forms to make queries, request information or for reasons related to the content of the website, they are will inform if the completion of any of them is mandatory because they are essential for the correct development of the operation carried out.



To browse this website you do not need to provide any personal data, the cases in which you do provide your personal data are as follows:

–  By contacting through the contact forms or sending an email to OREY SHIPPING SL.

– When making a comment on an article or page.

You declare that you have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data and accept the treatment of OREY SHIPPING SL in the manner and purposes of this Privacy Policy.</span

You declare that the personal data provided to OREY SHIPPING SL are correct, complete, accurate and current, as well as to have them updated, as a person on this website, you are solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of your personal data, exonerating OREY SHIPPING SL of any responsibility for this purpose.